21 years ago on this very day, that innocent looking brunette was born:
Pretty soon, she grew up and was not so innocent anymore.
Instead she was wild! She got in a fight at her rival HS football game.
BUT, she also did things with her life.
She was a working woman at BYU's campus from 8am-12pm every day.
She became an Elementary Education Major because she loves kids more than anyone.
She traveled to Peru and helped little chicos for two months.
She also got locked out of the house there...daily.
She did more than that though.
One of the best things she did was make people happy.
She made her friends laugh & smile every single day with her funny dances
and cool brown robe and sweatpants.
We were practically mission companions we were together so much.
And pretty soon, she became one of my very best friends!!
She did lots more totally radical, tubular, sweet stuff in her 21 years of life,
and she's going to do even more!
Look out for her people... she's moving mountains!
So Sister Stolworthy... I love you! I hope you have the best birthday ever!!
oh my. i just died. sweetpants & brown robe??? HAHAH. i tried to supress my laugh because i'm in class but it didn't work.
Thank you for this wonderful tribute which very interesting things about me & thank you for including my fight with Brentwood high school biiiias.
Love you forever hermana.
freakin hilarious post ash!
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