25 Days of Christmas... best ABC Family countdown EVER.
25th of December... best holiday EVER (right next to the 4th of July).
Top 25 BCS Standings
25 is a great number for many reasons...
HOWEVER, today it's a great number because it's the amount of
day left until JD and I are married!
Love this boy:

So in honor of this great day, I thought it would be appropriate to introduce the fabulous bridesmaids. I love each one of these people so much and I have been so blessed to have them all throughout my life. Not many people are as lucky as I am :)
First: My beautiful sister Lex
She is hilarious! ...and did I mention smart?! Yes... Lexi is the genius in the family and also probably one of the kindest people you'll ever meet. She can be a little uptight sometimes, but it's only because she cares so much about the details. She is definitely a perfectionist and it works to her advantage FOR SURE. I love her more than anything and love her even more for how supportive she has always been of JD. She loves him and he loves her. It's great :)
Second: Amelia & Jenni
These two have kind of been there the whole way. We've been best friends since we were 13 and I could have never imagined to have been blessed with two better friends to share those crazy years with. They not only made my junior high/high school experience HILARIOUS but they also helped me to understand what it means to be a true friend. I love these two so much and I feel so lucky that I've been able to have them in my life for so long.

And last, but definitely not least: Rach, Sara Rae, Al Pal, and Dani Deej
How can I even start? I might get teared up thinking about how much they have put up with my crazy antics and have loved me the whole way through. They are such incredible examples and friends to me. I love each and every one of them for a million reasons each... it might be creepy if I kept going. But let it suffice to say that I have NO idea what it would've been like these last couple years without them there to share the memories with.

They're all pretty great...
I'm kind of a REALLY lucky person,
and I will definitely be having the most beautiful bridesmaids EVER.